CIBMTR Reporting Implementation Guide
0.1.6 - Trial Use 1

CIBMTR Reporting Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.6). See the Directory of published versions

CRID Assignment

CIBMTR Research ID (CRID) Lookup or Creation

The client must search for a patient that has been previously registered with CIBMTR, or register a new patient. In either case, the client will receive from the CRID service a CIBMTR Research Identifier (CRID) to be used as a patient resource identifier for all subsequent FHIR data submissions. CIBMTR exposes a special service API to handle the submission of personally identifiable information (PII). Data submitted via the externally available CRID API endpoint has special protections and exposure within CIBMTR to avoid unnecessary handling of PII. For all subsequent FHIR data submissions, the CRID is used to identify the patient and any PII is removed from FHIR resources before being stored on CIBMTR FHIR servers.

The CRID API uses a PUT request at the following case-sensitive endpoint URLs:

PUT    <base URL>/CRID

The authorization key and bearer token must be included in the request as mentioned in the previous section. For the body of the PUT request, the following data fields are requested:

Five required attributes

  • CCN (5digit)
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Gender (M/F)

Optional attributes (possibly present)

  • SSN (###-##-####)
  • Mother’s maiden name
  • Race (race code)
  • Ethnicity (ethnicity code)

Complete list of payload options for CRID registration is shown below. Note that this is not a FHIR JSON object, but rather is a CIBMTR specific JSON format.

    "ccn": "string",
    "patient": {
        "firstName": "string",
        "lastName": "string",
        "birthDate": "string",
        "gender": "string",
        "ssn": "string",
        "mothersMaidenName": "string",
        "race": ["string"],
        "ethnicity": "string",
        "nmdpRid": 0,
        "ebmtCic": "string",
        "cibmtrIubmid": "string",
        "cibmtrTeam": 0,        
        "ebmtId": "string"        

CRID Race Codes

Race Value Code Description
1002-5 American Indian or Alaska Native
2028-9 Asian
2054-5 Black or African American
2076-8 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
2106-3 White
ASKU Not Reported
UNK Unknown

CRID Ethnicity Codes

Ethnicity Value Code Description
2135-2 Hispanic or Latino
2186-5 Non Hispanic or Latino
UNK Unknown

Because the CRID API is available as a PUT request, submitting the same data twice does not re-register the patient, but rather will retrieve the same CRID number registered previously. The CRID API will attempt to perform partial “fuzzy” matches based on data submitted to avoid re-registering the same patient with two different CRID numbers.

The response payload of the CRID Service API is a JSON object that contains the CRID number (lower pane in Figure). The CRID number is then used for all other data references to the registered patient.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Example CRID registration PUT request with JSON body payload (top pane) and response payload (bottom pane)

Example Code

CRID Lookup/Registration (PUT)


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import requests
from pathlib import Path

# Replace patient variable with your patient demographic data. 
# Below is just an example.
patient = {
    "ccn": "12002",
    "patient": {
        "firstName": "Steve",
        "lastName": "Rogers",
        "birthDate": "1925-07-04",
        "gender": "M",
        "ssn": "098-76-5432",
        "race": ['2106-3'],
        "ethnicity": "UNK"
tokenfile = Path('token.txt')  # Bearer token was previously captured in token.txt
authstring = 'Bearer ' + tokenfile.read_text()
headers = {'Authorization': authstring,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
r = requests.put('',
if r:
    print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4))